Well the only thing i don't too much like about it is the name i couldn't think of a good one, the name was given to me by a friend actually and it fits the series. Anyways Mystical Adventures i came with a obsession of making sprite animations as of late so i thought make something from them i wouldn't say the first i have not searched for any or stumbled across any quite yet. But it brings me to wondering who is gonna actually sit trough a full sprite episode a season for that matter or read this whole thing, but i'm gonna do it anyways who knows watch it watch the rest some other times. I don't have a set season its gonna end let me see how the first turns out i wan't it to release this spring maybe sooner who knows i am aiming for three or two episodes to start with it that way i won't have it backed up get three for each week and be working on another and another you know how that goes.
And for some of you wondering like where is this guy getting his free time from me i don't have it but i'm gonna use the time i can to spear working a part-time job helps for this. Anyways you can also check the new web on my profile thats where they will premier and they will be posted here the following day. http://flashfilmproduction.com/
Hope everyone will enjoy the series but i will still post other makes of mine on here any questions ask in a comment or whatever. Thanks and i look foward to posting it sooner or later. :p