I don't often animate as I should if I put more time in it it would never have taken me years for part two of my sprite animation, Dragonball Vegeta's Ultimate Vengeance. I am pulling all kinds of edits on it to ensure I give everyone there credit including my own of course since its a solo project. With newer effects and better camera quality for higher def purpose its actually came out nicely.
Now I am a amuture at animation in general Ive only been doing it since 2008 and still I am doing sprite animations. People ask me is that all I do? No and yes. Why? Because the joy of just having something you put together even if the sprites you use aren't made by you. The film, writing and animation storyboard and whatever you contribute to it solo or if its a project made by you and others it is all yours to claim. So if your terms are "Noob" I wont deny it. There may be mistakes specially in my grammer which Ive been working on.... Do not worry I use spell/grammar checkers to ensure things are decent on my flash well the ones I have not released yet. :p
But matter of fact I do have other solo projects as well that are NOT sprites. Now my first one wont even be up til maybe mid 2013 or so but I have a few sprite animations that will be out sooner. One I know should be out before the end of this year claiming my first and possibly only 2012 upload Ive missed 2011 of course but thats all work and other I have been doing.
Now onto my final bit. Vegeta's Ultimate Vengeance 2. I don't call the Vegeta franchise a POPULAR series for a reason. Because I truly believe it is a beginners project that was pretty much lucky to grab the attention it did on the remastered version. Not to many care for sprite animations like they use to and I just enjoy making them so I don't really care if anyone is watching them on the other note reading any of this. I do all of it out of pure joy no money, no royalty and surely no popularity. Vegeta's Ultimate Vengeance started out as a experiment I keyword "got" a copy of Macromedia flash 8 and wanted to run testings on how a flash would look and how they where made so youtube was my key. Making the first one was tough and it looked crappy but the animation came out clean sound not so much. Soundtracks are copyright and I only use them when I know profit will never be made off them. Anyways I used my new knowlage to make the remastered version soon after the Naruto flash released which recieved some well feedback and that is what it is all about. However I also took note to those who gave suggestions in remastered's comments and part two has a couple of things I will share.
Problem: I have taken the notice that my text either moves to fast or slow in the previous flash mainly slow in remastered.
Solved: Instead of waisting to many frames for my animation for text I have made a single file frame to using actionscript. The text will stop until the reader is done and continues by clicking "Continue" or use the "Enter" key to continue.
Problem: The action seemed fine in the original I believe speaking for myself I tried to mimic almost everything they did in Remastered however some was new some I did not put in. However either way the action tended to be short. Um Vegeta jumped straight to it ending Goku do I believe they could have faught alittle? No actually that part of the flash was meant to be short because Vegeta was originally going to kill Goku right away since he caught him off guard. However sadly the rest of the flash lacked hardly any combat let alone blast aside from a Final Flash, Big Bang and two Kamehameha's. Oh and that blast and ki blast King Vegeta did. Still hand to hand high speed action is what I believe DBZ itself.
Solved: So I have taken the short battles which exist in DBZ as well but when you are killing a enemy like Vegeta being scouter if you want to refer to the original series or Frieza it takes a long time and I cant mimic dozens of episodes to kill a lunitic who believes his pride is being outshined by another of his race. But I can stretch the action. Point being more high speed attacks and faster movements and hits and impressive blast effects. So testers have told me..
Problem: Plot... Yes the story was rather confusing... Now part two is not in anyway a remake or prequel its been done once by me and not again in this series "Cough" Naruto "Cough" Anyways Its a solid sequal to continue the story of Vegeta's madness and sudden appearance of his father King Vegeta. Now solid die hard fans of DBZ obviously the son of a gun was killed in the series by Frieza if my memory serves me correctly the bastered also blew the mans planet up. Kind of over doing it don't you think?
Solved: Well I am going in and putting every detail of how and when it started. So its pretty much explained I wont go exploiting it all here. So while making a Sonic sprite film which also has been taking me a long time to release turning up nicely. I thought a nice way of bringing it all together but this is more then a eggman problem so I figured out how to play Vegeta's part nicely and more things mentioning would spoil the entire thing.
4: Final
Problem: Sprites... Sprites as I said are not a golden throphy on here well not lately I assume. But they are fun to make but what better way then fine detail of the action. Take a look at the screen I have uploaded. It shows my effects I am putting all sorts of detail in and btw thats smoke not aura haha I know messy but it looks okay animated. But look closely at King Vegeta you will see why I am not putting a solved on this one.
Now I am no professional or expert or do I brag on myself about any of this but I do take notice on my progress in the ladder of animation and drawing which drawing is not highly in this but some of it is. Give me some feedback on what you think so far and I will keep everyone update and hoping I have this out before November.
Thanks for reading if any of you had the time to read one paragraph.